
A page where there is a picture of the remains of the water cistern located at the stronghold, this view taken leaving Juviles overlooking to the North which is at the back  of the photographer, the picture saw the Contraviesa hills, southward.

Photos of the permanent exhibition is in the old town hall Juviles, which presents photos of the remains of the Juviles stronghold, as well as a model made by Juan Ramon (right), which conducted A conference in  this holiday season of 2006, where I talk about history and the remaining remnants.


The following link is there a detailed report of the archaeological remains strong,  thanks to Luis Fuentes.

Brief history of Juviles stronghold.

Information contained in the Somontin website, a village located in Almeria, appointing the rebellion against Abdarrahman III and mentioned the stronghold Juviles.

The campaigns of Abderraman III as manuscripts Muslims, the book "Chronicle of  Caliph Abdarrahman III An-Nansen, mentions the Juviles stronghold, in the following text:

"but Juviles resisted by their remoteness and the difficulty to reach it with catapults, as there were some Christians of evil 'Umar, courageous and energetic, resisted well, but an-Nasir, engaged in combat, did build a base, which allow a catapult enough reach with its stones, and they cut the water and pulled the fence to defeat them, being taken to the fortress assault and killed many  supporters of rebel 'Umar had there, allowing the falling with it all Ferreira strengths and around.

Bibliography: One of the major works that relate the period Abdarrahman III are the chronicles of Ibn Hayyan of Cordoba. They are sources in which Arabs have been based for many history books that there are at present, including those mentioned Simonet and Dozier in the paragraph that deals with the wars of Muladí.

The following texts are translations, notes and indexes by MS Jesus Viguera and Federico current "Chronicle of  
Caliph Abdarrahman III An-Nansen between the years 912 and 942 (al-Muqtabis V)" Ibn Hayyan of Cordoba

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